Some people could be astounded on why
S3@.Xx:’ is allowed at certain periods in the
month of Ramadan. Although, fasting is
abstinence from eating, drinking and
S3@.Xx:’ual intercourse from dawn to sunset,
but there are different times when the fast is
over for a day that husbands and wives
could have S3@.Xx:’ual intercourse.
A Muslim man and his wife. Both of them are
allowed to have S3@.Xx:’ual intercourse at different
times in the month of Ramadan excluding from
dawn to sunset The specific times are given below:
1. After Iftaar
Iftaar is the meal eaten when a fasting Muslim
completes his fast for a day, specifically at sunset.
Often, fruits are used to break the fast by Muslims. It
is permitted for married individuals to enjoy
themselves at this period.
2. After Taraweeh prayer
Taraweeh prayer is the prayer observed after
Salaatul Isha’ (that is the last prayer of the Muslims’
five daily prayers). In most places in Nigeria,
Taraweeh is said some minutes past 8 o’ clock at
When a man returns home from the Masjid (Mosque)
after Taraweeh prayer, there is no problem if such a
man calls his legally married partner for S3@.Xx:’.
3. Normal bedtime
The normal bedtime is known as the time when
couples have S3@.Xx:’ mostly. In Ramadan, S3@.Xx:’
is also allowed during this time.
4. Before Qiyaamu-l -Layl
Qiyaamu-l-Layl is the prayer which Muslims also
call Tahajjud. It is observed often late at night like
between 11pm and 4am. People who say this prayer
do rise from their sleep. S3@.Xx:’ is permitted before
the Tahajjud.
5. After Qiyaamu-l -Layl
As stated above about what Qiyaamu-l-Layl is,
married couples after observing this prayer can enjoy
S3@.Xx:’ as long as they will do the S3@.Xx:’ual
intercourse before Fajr (a period which indicates that
Muslims who want to fast cease from eating,drinking
or any other acts that nullify fast) comes out.
Fajr is also the period in the early hours of the
morning which indicate that Muslims should get
ready to observe their Salaatu-l- Subh (that is the
first prayer of the day out of the five daily prayers
Muslim observe).