It is a longer news that the economy is down, and

companies are laying off workers just to keep afloat.

Who are these unlucky ones and what can you do in

other not to be among them...

1) Know your Boss: Office politics is no longer news.

During recession, heads of departments usually submit

names of people who they feel can't be part of the firm

again. And in most cases, competence is not called into

play. Most times, it is a question of "Who does Oga

like". So I suggest you know what makes your boss

happy, if producing results is the way, Do It!!

If eye service is the way, Do It!!

If Buying him drink during weekends is the way, Do

It!!.. Just know the way to his heart...

2) Act More, Say Less: Stealing of Ideas didn't start

today. The more you think you contribute verbally to

every motion raised, the more someone is stealing your

ideas, implementing it and getting credits for it. All

you end up doing is Ranting in your corner office and

explaining to anybody to cares to listen. When it is

time for redundancy, nobody remembers the idea

bringer rather the implementer.

3) Always Volunteer: " Who will help draw up a

proposal?", "Who will fill in the void of the secretary in

this meeting?", "Who can escort the driver to deliver

the goods to ....". As much as time allows you, Keep

saying " I can".. I can't guarantee you promotion, but I

guarantee you that your position is safe. I remember

doubling as a corporate Marketer and Retail sales

Associate.. the end product was a clear promotion. You

can also do so!!

4) Don't Just do your Job: Almost same as No 3, But

this time around, never wait for any superior to ask

first. I remember an instructor in an ICT firm where he

earns about 30k monthly. Dude was diligent in his

Job, not only that, but ended up referring a record sum

of 10 students personally to tra

in in the institute... He

was not only Recognized, but the sales Marketer

application was sacked, and he was given a double

portfolio, with a handsome pay of above 100k... What

else are you waiting for??.

5) Don't Just Try, Produce Results: Working with

Whites made me realize they don't appreciate "I tried".

it always ends with... " We appreciate your effort, but

we need someone to get us the results".

If you are a result getter, believe you me, even if

everyone is being sacked, you will always be the one

they rely on...

Just like C. Ronaldo, they beg you... " Please go out

there and get us the results we need"

Written and Complied by: Mike Bush

(Associate Sales Lead and Public Speaker)